Offham Primary School



At Offham Primary School we believe that the promotion of excellent behaviour, the development of self- respect and respect for others is a vital part of a child’s education. We want to encourage a positive social environment where children and adults receive positive feedback through praise and reward. We aim to encourage pupils to value themselves and others by respecting rights and tolerating difference

Everyone is expected to model the expectations of behaviour around our school. Our school values are consistently used when talking about positive choices and wrong choices. Behaviour is an integral part of the school culture to support our vision and values.

We achieve this by: 

  • Visible leaders
  • High & clear expectations 
  • Everyone’s responsible for behaviour and everybody models behaviour expectations
  • The learning environment is safe space allowing children to enjoy and achieve

Key Beliefs

  • Everyone child has the right to be safe and happy.
  • Every child has the right to learn
  • All behaviour is communication. Our focus is on educating children in how to manage situations and learn from their mistakes.
  • Consistency of approach is key to enabling all of our children to focus on their learning and achieve their personal potential.


  • Mutual respect is vital  - children are spoken to quietly and respectfully and are listened to.
  • Children learn to take responsibility for their actions and how to make situation right, through restorative discussions. 
  • Language used across the school constantly reinforces positive behaviour. 
  • Good behaviour choices are recognised through a range of rewards.
  • Behaviour incidents are discussed with parents.
  • Behaviour incidents are recorded to ensure that they can be learned. 
  • Behaviour needs to be taught to the children. Teaching behaviour is through modelling, practice and re-teaching to ensure it is embedded. 
  • There a clear, fair and consistent consequences for poor choices. 
  • Certain children will require more support around positive behaviour and these children will be supported by a Behaviour Support Plan agreed with parents. 
  • Bullying will not be tolerated and will be dealt with effectively and efficiently. 

Behaviour Policy November 2024


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