Offham Primary School


At Offham Primary School we believe that the promotion of excellent behaviour, the development of self- respect and respect for others is a vital part of a child’s education. We want to encourage a positive social environment where children and adults receive positive feedback through praise and reward. We aim to encourage pupils to value themselves and others by respecting rights and tolerating difference.

We aim to:

  • Allow children the right to attend school in which learning takes place without disruption from others;
  • Encourage children to be responsible for their own actions;
  • Encourage the support of parents and develop open communication to establish a consistent approach to behaviour;
  • Reward good behaviour;
  • Challenge and deal with unacceptable behaviour following clear procedures and guidelines.


We believe that praise, positive actions and reward promote excellent behaviour. A consistent and fair approach across the whole school is essential. Mutual respect is fostered between staff and pupils. It is expected that children’s behaviour and adults’ responses will be consistent at all times of the day (whether structured or unstructured).

Through daily contact, circle times and assemblies the children are:

  • Encouraged to ensure their behaviour is such that the ethos and values of the school are upheld.
  • Encouraged to think about their own behaviour and the effect it has on others.
  • Given strategies for coping with inappropriate behaviour such as reflection strategies, calm down strategies and timely reporting of worries to an adult.

Implementing the principles of Restorative Practice helps us to focus on building better relationships with each other, taking the time to ensure that every member of our school community feels listened to, valued and respected. We support pupils in developing the skills to maintain positive relationships and to resolve disagreements and problems. Pupils are respectfully supported to identify ways they can put right the harm they have caused. This approach ensures we are helping pupils to become empathetic, considerate members of society who have the skills to avoid and resolve problems independently.


Shared Behaviour Expectations based on the Offham Values

At Offham Primary School we have a set of shared behaviour expectations to ensure there is a consistent language for behaviour and that all children know what good behaviour looks like.

These have been decided with the pupils where the School Council voted on them.


These are as follows:-

At Offham we are:

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