Orange Class (Year 5)
Orange Class term 3 newsletter
What are we doing next?
Next term we have lots of exciting learning waiting for us!
Reading |
A Midsummer Night's Dream and I am not a Label |
Writing |
Narrative writing and synopsis of A Midsummer Night's Dream |
Maths |
Multiplying and dividing |
Science |
Forces |
History | The Maya Civilisation
RE |
Sikhism |
Computing |
Game Creator |
Art |
Monoprinting |
Music |
Composing and chords |
PSHE | Responsibility |
PE |
PE days are Monday and Wednesday |
What can you do at home?
Continue daily practise of timetables and daily reading.
Complete the optional spelling sheet to support your child’s weekly learning.
Complete any of the optional tasks on the class page.
To prepare them for term 3 you might like to read some topic based books about the Maya.
Contact information
If you have any questions, please do come and see us, send us a Dojo message or email us.
Wishing you a wonderful and restful half term. We look forward to seeing you in term 3!
Merry Christmas!
The year 5 team

Homework is optional and the tasks to complete are below.
A list of spellings will be sent home to practise. In KS2 they will have a written test the following Friday. There will also be an optional spelling sheet for KS2.
We will also expect the children to log onto Numbots and/or TT Rockstars to complete some maths fluency practice.
Daily reading is also a very important part in your child’s learning journey. This can be reading their school reading book and/or enjoying a reading for pleasure book of their choice.
This will be sent out on Class Dojo by your class teacher on Fridays.
Many thanks for your support,
Mrs Rose, Mrs Seabrook, Mrs Perks, Mrs English and Mrs Morse-Wolfe
The Year 5 Team.
KS2 Optional extra home - learning tasks