Offham Primary School

Blue Class (Year 1)

Term 6

Blue Class are looking forward to our last term with lots of fun activities planned and another school trip to look forward to.

 In maths this term we are introducing numbers 50-100 and digging deeper into their place value, what the numbers represent and how these numbers could be made up. In the topic of money, the children will be exposed to and taught the different coins and notes. They will also begin to count coins to a total. To finish the term we will be getting the clocks out and learning to tell the time to the nearest hour and half hour (analogue). We will also revisit days of the week and months of the year.

 In English, we are writing a revisiting what makes a good sentence focusing on our capital letters, full stops and ensuring that we re-read to make sure that it makes sense on its own. We are also adding in lots of exciting vocabulary for description. We will then explore some more poetry. As a class we will be practicing and performing our poems to an audience. Finally to finish the year we will be doing some instructional writing. We will look at the features such as numbered points, imperative verbs and again adding in description where possible.

 We will complete the national phonics screening test at the beginning of the term. From this we will be able to support any learning gaps by revisiting and revising what we have learnt so far. Towards the end of the term we will begin to look at alternative sound spellings which will be revisited in the first 2 terms of year 2. In reading we continue to practice reading decodable books and improve fluency as well as recalling information that we have learnt from texts that are read to us.

 In Science we are recapping our learning about plants. We will remind ourselves of the different parts of a plant and what each parts function is. We will get outside of the classroom to explore the different plants that we can see now in comparison to October. This will naturally lead to more discussion about the different seasons.


In Geography, we are introducing maps. The children will explore different maps and look at what they can be used for. They will also interpret some simple maps and have a go at making their own.

In RE we are continuing to focus on Judaism. The will develop their learning some more and look at how children are involved in the religion.

 In DT the children will be exploring, planning, creating and evaluating a simple puppet. They will focus on how the materials can be joined in different ways and talking about the purpose of the creation.

 In music we will be celebrating and revising all of the learning that has taken place over the year. We will remember all the different songs and compositions that we have created. We will remind ourselves of trying to keep to a rhythm and  how we can perform to an audience.

 In PE we are practicing an athletics unit where we will be developing the children’s running techniques both on the flat and over small hurdles. This will allow us lots of time to practice for sports day later in the term.

PE days are Monday and Thursday

Forest school is on a Tuesday in weeks 1, 3, 5 and 7


This is a fundamental part of your child's learning in Year 1 and we recommend that you listen to your child read at home as many times as possible. Your child will be sent home with a reading book from school, please annotate your child's reading record with their reading progress. 

 We promote reading as much as we can in Year 1 and will be awarding a house point as a reward for the children every time they read their books, as a result please make sure you write in the yellow reading records when the children have read. We are collecting the children's reading books every day to keep a log of those children reading at home and will give out house points when we see the children have been reading their books. 

 Along with giving the children a new reading book once they have read their book they can also visit the library on a Thursday/ Friday. Please can you ensure that the children have their library books in their bags on this day. 


Homework will be sent home each Friday and it is to be handed back in on Wednesday.  

A worksheet focusing on either Maths or English each week will be given out each week. Alongside reading books and word lists.



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