Blue Class (Year 1)
Term 2
The pupils have an exciting term ahead with a range of interactive and engaging learning.
This term, our writing lessons will focus on continuing to develop the literacy elements including capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Building our understanding in instructional writing and learning about imperative verbs. As well as stories with familiar settings, how the children can use their imagination to include adjectives into their writing.
Reading Lessons
Our weekly reading sessions are structured to develop a range of skills:
- 2 Guided Reading Lessons: Enhancing fluency and confidence.
- 2 Whole-Class Reading Lessons: Developing skills such as retrieval and prediction using texts like The Storm Whale and The Owl and the Pussycat.
- 1 Paired Reading Lesson: Building reading skills together with a partner, connected to our phonics scheme ELS. We’ll also be revisiting Phase 5 sounds that were taught in the summer term of Reception.
The children have been thoroughly enjoying our Teach Active Maths lessons, with the help of our class mascot, Motty! We are currently focusing on addition and subtraction within 10, and later on in the term learning about shape. The children are eager to tackle challenge questions in their maths books and developing their reasoning skill.
In Geography, our topic is Continents and Oceans. The children will learn about how the 7 continents and 5 oceans around the world. The children will also be able to understand about the countries and capital cities in the U.K.
In Science, our topic this term is Animals Including Humans learning about:
- identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
- identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores
In RE, we will be focusing on the learning question 'What gifts might Christians in my town have given Jesus if he had been born here rather than in Bethlehem?'
To support the transition from early years to Year 1, the class participate in a range of different activities throughout the day to help build their fine/gross motor skills and focus including: dough disco (clever fingers), movement breaks and mindfullness.
PE lessons will be held on Thursday and Friday. This term, we will explore:
- Gymnastics Unit 1
- Sending and Receiving with feet and stick: Developing hand eye coordination.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to another exciting term ahead!
Homework will be sent home each Friday. We will send through the sounds that we have been learning for the week. If you get the opportunity to practice some words that include this sound it will support your child's phonic learning. You could make this active by using shaving foam in the bath, chalk in the garden, playdough. We will expect the children to log onto Numbots to complete some Maths fluency practice. Daily reading is also a very important part in your child’s learning journey. This can be reading their school reading book and/or enjoying a reading for pleasure book of their choice.
KS1 - Optional extra home-learning tasks
1) Decorate and bake biscuits using shape patterns. If your up for a challenge, write some instructions to tell somebody how you made them (you could even add pictures).
2) Make a donation to a local food bank and write or record a news report explaining why we do this at harvest time.
3) When you visit a shop use some coinage to pay for an item. Talk about the coins that you have used and what their value is.
4) Go on a scavenger hunt in an outside area. Collect a variety of natural objects. Talk about their texture and appearance. Sort them into different categories and explain how you have sorted them. Are there different ways that they can be sorted?
5) Go on a local walk/bike ride and talk about the surroundings. Can you name the features around you (hill, tree, car park, castle etc.)? Are they human (man-made) or physical (occur naturally)?
6) Think Eco! Re-use some recycling to construct your own junk-model creation. You could make a house, an animal or use your imagination to create something new.