Offham Primary School

Curriculum Overview

Overall Curriculum Intent 

 At Offham Primary School, our curriculum is designed so that:- 

  • Pupils grow a broad and deep understanding of key knowledge and skills across all curriculum subjects in preparation for secondary school.
  • Pupils become articulate and confident individuals with successful personal attributes based on the Offham values.  
  • Pupils grow their knowledge of vocabulary across all subjects and are motivated to become competent readers ensuring strong language skills orally and written.

Curriculum Implementation 

 At Offham we keep our pedagogical knowledge current and, with this in mind, draw upon several powerful sources of knowledge in the construction of our Curriculum. The following theories have been instrumental in shaping the teaching and learning experiences at Offham:

*Cognitive load theory.
* Principles of instruction.
* Generative learning practice.

 All curriculum areas are given equal importance and weighting at Offham, this is because we acknowledge that the best societies and organisations value and make use of a wide and varied range of personal attributes and abilities. We work hard to celebrate and recognise the strengths, and also the progress of all, valuing personal development and encouraging our pupils to challenge themselves. Therefore, each term our curriculum subjects are taught cross curricularly within a termly ‘context for learning’.

The Curriculum with Unity Schools Partnership (CUSP)

At Offham we are proud to be part of the Curriculum with Unity Schools Partnership (CUSP) and use this curriculum, written by Alex Bedford as a base for our learning and teaching in the following subjects; English (Reading and Writing), Geography, History and Science. 

CUSP, underpinned by current evidence, research and cognitive science, is designed to be:

  • Connected,
  • Cumulative and
  • Coherent

Modules are deliberately sequenced for robust progression. There is an emphasis on oracy and vocabulary acquisition, retention and use to break down learning barriers and accelerate progress. A rich diet of language and vocabulary is deliberately planned for. 

 Specific skills are discreetly taught and practiced so that they become transferrable. The sequenced modules activate prior learning, build on skills and deepen knowledge and understanding. Learning, vocabulary and content is cumulative; content is learned, retrieved and built upon. CUSP encourages a meaningful and cross curricular 'context for learning' approach, within which our teachers make links between subjects and practical real-life experiences. CUSP helps is to inspire and motivate our children to be successful learners.

Other subjects follow different schemes of work: - Art (Access Art), PE (Pass), Computing (Purple Mash), DT (Projects on a Page), PSHE/RSHE, RE (Discovery RE) and Music (Charanga), however teachers use the CUSP teaching sequence and CUSP approach across the curriculum to ensure retention of knowledge and skills and effective teaching and learning. This also ensures teaching focuses on explicit subject specific vocabulary. 


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