Offham Primary School

Modern Languages

Our Curriculum Intent for French

 At Offham Primary School our French curriculum intends to inspire children to be able to apply a range of skills to learn a modern foreign language.  We also want to provide children with opportunities that create a lifelong love of French by exposing them to diverse experiences and hopefully igniting a passion for modern foreign languages which can continue through to secondary school.  By listening and responding to a child-centered scheme of learning, we would like them to be confident enough to have a go at using French when visiting French speaking countries.  

Teaching and Learning in French (Implementation)

 At Offham, our French curriculum ensures students listen, pronounce and speak in French  making progress over KS2.  This is embedded into lessons through experienced teachers, interactive lessons and covers a wide variety of topics (including cross-curricular).  The elements of French are taught in classroom lessons so that children are able to use vocabulary for everyday items and experiences such as: French places, introducing themselves, food items and visiting a cafe and numbers in everyday life.  At Offham we do this by following the program Language Angels.  Lessons include differentiated activities, use of scaffolding, talk partners, songs, games and devices that record speaking for pronunciation.


Languages Skills Progression

MFL Curriculum Progression

French Long Term Plan 

Take a Look at French at Offham


The Impact of French Teaching and Learning at Offham

 At Offham children have a good understanding of basic French language in preparation for further study in secondary school by the time they leave Year 6.  This will be evident through children understanding the main points from a short passage made up of familiar language in the present tense.  Speaking with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, finding ways of communicating what they want to say, including through discussion and asking questions, and continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation and show a good understanding of the French phonetic system.  They will be able to link prior learning to their current learning and spot familiar with spelling patters to suggest mostly accurately for unfamiliar words. They should be able to construct increasingly complex sentences following a model.

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