Offham Primary School

Green Class (Year 3)

 Our Learning in Term 1

Maths Our learning in maths will start on focusing on place value. This involves recognising hundreds, tens and ones and partitioning 3-digit numbers including flexibly. We will also be identifying and estimating numbers on a number line. Towards the end of the term we will be learning addition and subtraction involving crossing tens and ones to prepare ourselves to use column addition and subtraction. 
Reading We will be reading two books this term. The first is Greta and the Giants by Zoe Tucker and then we will move onto The Pebble in my Pocket by Meredith Hooper. We will be focusing on developing our reading skills such as retrieval, summarising and predicting. 
Writing This term children will be writing a non-chronological report and a first person narrative description. Within these we will be focusing on developing our grammar and punctuation. We will be using a range of both coordinating and subordinating conjunctions; precise adjectives and using these within expanded noun phrases; the use of paragraphs; and writing in a formal tone. 
Science Our topic in Science this term is on Rocks and Soils. We will be learning about the different types of rocks and how they are formed. Throughout the unit we will be comparing and grouping rocks based on their appearance and basic physical appearances. We will be looking at how fossils are formed from living things that are trapped within rock and develop our understanding of what soil is made up of. 
History Our learning will be looking at the changes of Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. We will be looking at a range of different artefacts and settlements of the Stone Age and how they tell us about the way Neanderthals lived and how tools changed over this period of time. 
PE Our two PE topics this term will be fitness and hockey. Fitness will involve understanding how exercise can benefit our fitness by understand how it effects our body. In hockey, we will be building our skills in dribbling, passing and both attacking a defending within a game. 
Art Art this term we will be focusing on gestural drawing with charcoal as our medium. Our focus will be on Laura McKendry and her technique which will inspire our own pieces of art themed around the Stone Age. 
PSHE This term we will be recapping and building on our understanding of the zones of regulation. It will involve looking at the emotions that relate to each zone and the strategies that can help support them. 
RE We will be looking at the religion of Hinduism, where we will be looking at focusing on the overarching question 'Would celebrating Diwali both at home and in the community bring a sense of belonging to a Hindu Child?'. Throughout this unit they will build their understanding of Diwali and why it is celebrated. 
Computing Online safety will be a focus at the beginning of the term, where we will gain an understanding of passwords and how it is important that they are secure. We will then move on to touch typing, where we will be looking at building our skills of using the keyboard of a laptop more successfully. 
French Our very first topic in French will be 'I am learning French'. This introduces ourselves to numbers up to 10, colours and simple greetings and phrases to say in French. 
Music This term will be the very first time for most to be learning a range of notes on the recorder to which we will perform alongside some songs for the term.
Homework will be sent home each Friday.

A list of spellings or 'sounds of the week' will be sent home to practice. In KS2 they will have a written test the following Friday. There will also be an optional spelling sheet for KS2.

We will also expect the children to log onto Numbots and/or TT Rockstars to complete some maths fluency practice.

Daily reading is also a very important part in your child’s learning journey. This can be reading their school reading book and/or enjoying a reading for pleasure book of their choice. 

This will be sent out on Class Dojo by your class teacher on Fridays.

Forest School

Children will be attending Forest School twice this term on the following dates:

Tuesday 24th September

Tuesday 15th October

Please can we ensure that children come in their Forest School clothes on these days along with wellies. These clothes need to suitable for the weather on the day and ones you do not mind getting muddy.   

 PE kits  (Tuesdays and Wednesdays)

Please make sure your child is wearing the school PE kit on these days. 

If your child has pierced ears it is extremely important that they do not wear earrings during PE lessons - if this is difficult for your child to do independently please remove them at home. Children must have Offham school sport jumpers and black trousers/joggers for outside PE.

Children must have their reading records and books in school everyday.  We will write in there when we have read with the children and use it as a monitoring system. Ideally we would like the children to read at home daily but understand busy schedules may mean this is tricky. Please read as regularly as you can, reading benefits in so many other areas and it is an important age for the children to continue building on this skill. 

Times tables

It is very important that children keep practicing their times tables. They should hopefully be confident with 2s, 5s and 10s but we will keep revisiting these, particularly at the beginning of the year. They will also need to learn their 3s, 4s and 8s this year. There are lots of ways to make this sort of learning a bit more fun. TT Rockstars will support this learning for their fluency. 

Many thanks for your support, 

Miss Graham, Mrs Taylor, Mrs Thomas and Mrs Morse-Wolfe


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