Offham Primary School

School Development Plan 

Our Key Priorities in 2023-2024 are as follows:-

FOCUS 1: Quality of Education

1.      Ensure every child is a reader with a rigorous focus on the teaching of phonics and reading and strengthen the reading and writing culture.  

2.      Improve progress and outcomes in maths across the school including the MTC check. 

3.      Improve provision in EYFS to ensure high quality learning opportunities enabling pupils to reach strong outcomes

4.      Ensure assessment is used effectively across the curriculum enabling pupils to know more and remember more

5.      Ensure SEND and disadvantaged pupils achieve highly and there is high ambition for these pupils


FOCUS 2: Leadership and Management                                                                                                                                                                                                     

6.      Leaders to further improve teacher subject, pedagogical and pedagogical content knowledge to ensure this consistently translates into improvements in the teaching of the curriculum including the delivery of CUSP.

7.      Subject Leaders to be supported to further develop their subjects and ensure consistent curriculum implementation through joint monitoring.

8.      Leaders to prioritise staff wellbeing and workload.  

9.      Governors to effectively hold leaders to account for the quality of education and ensure a strong strategic vision. 


FOCUS 3: Behaviour and Attitudes  

10.  Review behaviour systems and ensure behaviour expectations are modelled from all staff with a consistent shared language for behaviour.  

11.  Ensure all pupils have high attendance including those that are disadvantaged.


FOCUS 4: Personal Development 

12.  Provide broader pupil responsibility across the school and improve the extracurricular offer.

13.  Ensure the personal development offer is highly effective and coherent by continued focus on SMSC, British values, mental health, wellbeing and RSHE.  



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