Offham Primary School

Easter Celebrations

Thank you to everyone who has taken part in the Easter fun and celebrations today. EYFS and KS1 were invited to make an Easter Bonnet, Year 3 and 4 an Easter Garden and Year 5 and 6 decorated Easter eggs.

It was very hard for Mrs Early to choose the winners with such fantastic creations. Thank you to everyone for putting in so much effort to take part. Year R, Year 1 and Year 2 had great fun in the hall showing off their bonnets to each other and taking part in Easter dances.

Thank you also to the PTFA for arranging a fun Easter egg hunt ! What a treat we have had this Easter.

Our final winners (who received Easter prizes in assembly) are as follows:-

 Year R

Mabel, Dexta and Jace

Year 1

Ronnie, Parker and Rosie

Year 2

Harrison, Marianne and Laith

Year 3

Esme, Jesse and Olivine

Year 4

Sarah, Beatrice and Henry S

Year 5

Teddie, Rupert and Sonnie

Year 6

Charlotte, Poppy and Holly

Easter Celebrations 2024


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