Offham Primary School

Premier League Experience

On Tuesday, Mrs Molyneux visited us for a careers assembly. It was fantastic to hear about her career over the last twenty years in football as an Event Manager for the Premiership. Mrs Molyneux has visited places all over the world ! 

This was followed by an assembly from the Premiership All Stars team where children got to see the actual Premiership trophy ! The very same trophy that Manchester City held as the last Premier League winners !

 Children learnt interesting facts about the Trophy and the Premiership as well as the Premiership values of  'Be ambitious, Be inspired, Be fair and Be connected'. Children were inspired by the ambition and determination of the players and also learnt the importance of teamwork. 

 Children were able to take part in football coaching sessions with Chelsea coaches and also see the Premiership Trophy itself ! All classes could ask questions about the Trophy and have a class photo with it.

Mrs Molyneux also presented us with a new girls football kit. It was a fabulous day and we all felt very lucky to see the real Premier League Trophy and meet the real Chelsea mascots !

 This was certainly a once in a lifetime memorable experience ! 

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