Offham Primary School

Welcome to Term 3

Welcome Back to the new year !

Children have had a great start to the term and settled back into their learning with positive and enthusiastic attitudes. Our Play Leaders have already been at work supporting children on the playground with interactive and fun games.

Hopefully you will have had a chance to read the welcome back letter sent out earlier this week and see all the exciting events planned this term including the Year 3 trip to Young Voices. We are particularly looking forward to seeing Year 3 and 4 parents at the Reading Cafe on the 25th January and EYFS/Year 1 parents at the phonics workshop on the 17th January. There will be further details to follow. Please note the phonics workshop will be for Year 1 parents too. Thank you for your support.

In addition we will be holding a short briefing on Thursday 11th January at 3.30 p.m. in the Year 3 classroom for Year 3 parents regarding the Young Voices trip. Information will also be sent out for any parents that cannot attend. Thank you.

As children are now returning to their every day school routines, do please encourage children to read at home as much as possible. Children should aim to read for 15/20 minutes in EYFS/KS1 and 20-30 minutes in KS2.

You will find in the newsletter full details of the curriculum that your child will be studying this term. We hope this information will be useful to you.

 We have welcomed Mrs Shirley Barrett into our office this week who is providing excellent support whilst we continue to recruit a permanent Office Manager.

 As a reminder, safeguarding training for volunteers is being held on Monday 15th January at 12 p.m. and Wednesday 17th January at 9.00 a.m. online. Mrs Parsons will send out information about this next week. This will be a very valuable session for all of our regular volunteers.

 Please also be reminded that drop off on Monday will start at 8.25 - 8.40 a.m. where children can walk straight into school.

 Have a great weekend,

Mrs Early

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