Offham Primary School

Year 3 Trip to Horton Kirby

We were very lucky with the weather today for Green Class's visit to Horton Kirby today to explore and build their understanding of settlements and how these have changed over time. They took a walk around the village, where children searched for clues to understand land use and used their compass skills to find the direction we needed to go. They engaged in discussions about the advantages and disadvantages o constructing new buildings where they then drew what they would build in the area of Horton Kirby. During their walk, children took part in 'Poohsticks' and watched who's stick was the first to cross under the bridge. The trip finished off with a hands-on activity, where they used mud and Lego to create their own 3D model of a map. Thank you to all the parent helpers for this trip, it is very much appreciated!

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