Offham Primary School

Orange Class (Year 5)

Term 6 2024



We will start off our writing this term by debating each other in our 'balanced arguments' topic. I look forward to seeing how the children respond and give evidence for their answers on topics such as "Should homework be banned?" We will then revisit biographies (writing this time about a member of staff!) before finally moving onto poetry which explores form - always a lovely way to end the school year.


Five Children and It by E. Nesbit

Five siblings move to the country and almost immediately uncover treasure, a Sand-fairy in a local gravel-pit. The Psammead is able to grant them a daily wish, although the magic wears off by sunset. Their reckless requests lead them into ridiculous scenarios that are difficult to escape. But will they learn their lesson?


This term we will cover negative numbers , converting units including imperial and metric units and measurement including comparing and estimating volume and capacity.


OS maps and fieldwork.



In Science this term we will be revisiting forces. We will look at who Galileo Galilei was and how he influenced science as we know it today! We will then recap our knowledge of friction, air resistance and water resistance before looking at things that help us use these forces to our advantage such as pulleys, levers and gears. We will continue to revisit our scientific skills by thinking about what makes a fair test and how we can make our test more reliable. 


Our RE topic this term is "What is the best way for a Christian to show commitment to God?" We will be using the bibles to understand Christian teachings and the similarity to our last topic (which asked the same question for Sikhs) gives us the opportunity to compare Sikh and Christian religious rituals, stories and beliefs.

DT - Term 6 

In this unit, children explore structures and in more depth, frame structures. They will evaluate previous structures, design their own, make a prototype and present their ideas.


In Music we will continue to practice our recorder and singing skills and explore the question "How can music connect us with the environment?"

3D modelling 

Children will be introduced to '2Design and Make' and the skills of computer aided design. They will explore the effect of moving points when designing. and design a 3D Model to fit certain criteria. Lastly they will refine and print a model.


Tuesday and Wednesday

Rounders and Athletics 


In this unit pupils will learn how to speak confdiently by: Telling somebody in French the key elements that animals and plants need to survive in their habitat, examples of the most common habitats for plants and animals and give a named example of these habitats, which animals live in these different habitats and which plants live in these different habitats.


Forest School & PE


Forest school will be Mondays

Please make sure that your child has wellington boots in school and is wearing appropriate clothing.  If you are able to help with Forest School, please can you let your parent rep know, thank you.

 PE days are : Tuesday and Wednesday. Please can your child come to school in a full, named Offham PE kit.  Please refer to the uniform policy or ask us if you are unsure. Both are outdoor.

*Sports Day is Monday 8th July 2024*


Reading Lists

 Please see below for examples of Year 5 recommended books. We have also put some Year 4 or 6 level ones, depending on reading ability. These are by no means exhaustive. We would always recommend choosing a book that is ever so slightly above your child's reading level to encourage learning of new vocabulary and development of fluency and speed.

 Many thanks for your support,

The Year 5 Team.

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