Offham Primary School

Orange Class (Year 5)

Welcome back to term 2!

We can't wait to delve into some more learning as the term progresses. Here is a little rundown of some of the things we will be covering.


Secrets of a Sun King

Set in 1922, this fabulous story simultaneously tells of Howard Carter’s search for the tomb of Tutankhamun and the adventures of the main character, Lil, who opens a mysterious package found on her grandfather’s doorstep. 

We will use this adventure story to delve further into our VIPERS skills.

Writing In writing, we will be kickstarting the term off by writing our own Greek myths. The first lesson of the term involves the children inventing their own mythical creature - who will be a key character in our myth. We will focus on relative clauses, expanded noun phrases and dialogue. We will then move on to balanced arguments where we will look at the question: should zoos be banned? Finally, we will finish the busy term off by writing some poems, focusing on haikus and cinquains.

Multiplying and dividing by 10,100,100

Fractions, fractions and more fractions!


Animals Including Humans

Our PHSE and our Science topic are linked this term. Our science topic is Animals including Humans so we will be looking at how humans grow from embyro to foetus, to child, to adolescent, to adult. We will then be comparing human and animal life cycles, particularly the gestation period and life expectancy.


World Countries and biomes.

We will look at where we would find some major countries and cities in the world, what a biome is and how these change across the world and look at human and physical characteristics that define Europe and North and South America.



In RE we will revisit the Christmas story. This time focusing on the different accounts in the bible and considering the question "Is the Christmas story true?"


Word Processing using MS Word

We will cover key skills in this unit including:

adding and editing images to a word document, to know how to use word wrap with images and text, to change the look of text within a document and to add features to a document to enhance its look and usability. This is a great unit in computing as we can use it across the curriculum.


Cooking - Celebrating culture and seasonality

Over the term, we will be looking at soup.  Where soups originate from, what they taste like, where vegetables come from and what seasons grow which vegetables and fruits.  We will then use this information to design and make our own! 


In music we will learn to sing three songs and focus on our fine motor skills by learning to quickly switch between notes on the recorder.

PHSE Our PHSE will focus on puberty where children will learn what puberty is, the changes that boys and girls experience and coping strategies to help with experiencing these changes. A letter will be sent out shortly explaining in more detail about the puberty talk which will take place on the 14th November.

PE days are Monday (Gym) and Tuesday (Swimming).

Forest School

Our forest school dates are Wednesday 20th November and Wednesday 11th December.

Please ensure warm and sensible clothes, including a change of footwear.  Wellies are advised.

We hope your child has a great start to Year 5 and we look forward to sharing their learning with you.


Pupil Offer

Homework is optional and the tasks to complete are below.

A list of spellings will be sent home to practise. In KS2 they will have a written test the following Friday. There will also be an optional spelling sheet for KS2.

We will also expect the children to log onto Numbots and/or TT Rockstars to complete some maths fluency practice.

Daily reading is also a very important part in your child’s learning journey. This can be reading their school reading book and/or enjoying a reading for pleasure book of their choice. 

This will be sent out on Class Dojo by your class teacher on Fridays.


Many thanks for your support, 

Mrs Rose, Mrs Seabrook, Mrs Perks, Mrs English and Mrs Morse-Wolfe

The Year 5 Team.




KS2 Optional extra home - learning tasks


1) Do you think Tutankhamun's tomb should've been opened or do you think it should have been left alone?
Give reasons for and against your answer.
2) Complete the Howard Carter & Tutankhamun ToDo on Purple Mash after watching the videos that accompany (there are 6 in total).
3) Can you make a timeline of your family showing the different of ages?  Think of how you could present this in an interesting way?
4) Can you use symmetrical and aysmmetrical shapes with your body to make your name? Can you make a word linked to our topics?
5) Make a factfile of an animal and compare it to humans e.e. diet, life expectancy, weight, height, gestation period.  
6) Follow a recipe for making a soup at home.  Can you help buying, peeling, chopping the ingredients? Can you then write the instructions for someone else to follow?
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