Offham Primary School

Severe Weather Guidance

If at all possible, the school will stay open if it is safe to do so. Parents/carers have the responsibility of getting their child/ren to and from school safely and will need to decide if the journey is safe when severe weather affects driving and/or walking conditions. Please inform the school if your child is due to be absent due to severe weather if the school is still open.  

 On occasions, however, the school may need to close if it is no longer safe for staff or pupils to be onsite or Church Road is too treacherous for travel and restricting access to the site. If this is the case, we will do the following:-  

  • Display a ‘newsflash’ message on the home page of our website  
  • Send out an email to all parents informing them of any closure via Parentmail  
  • We will update the website  


We will always aim to make this decision as early as possible to ensure that parents/carers do not travel unnecessarily. At times this decision may be taken during the day if the weather deteriorates.  

If our school meal service or wraparound provision is affected by weather conditions, we would also notify you of any changes to these services.  

 As during Covid, the school would offer remote learning if a decision was taken to close the school and details would be sent out regarding learning activities from class teachers.    

Please ensure your child is appropriately clothed for cold/wet/windy weather and that shoes/boots have a good grip for icy conditions.  

 In the event that we have sufficient snow for the children to play outside, wellington boots are essential. Unfortunately, those children who do not have a change of footwear or suitable warm/waterproof clothing would be unable to play outside in snowy conditions. A change of socks/tights would also be useful.  

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