Offham Primary School

The School Day

Our School Day

 Children may arrive at school between 8.25 a.m. and 8.40 a.m. 

Year R, 1 and 2 parents may accompany children across the playground to the relevant doors where staff will be there to welcome them. 

Children in Years 3 and 4 should come through the gate at the front entrance and Year 5 and 6 through the red doors on the playground. 

Members of staff will be supervising all school gates from 8.25 a.m.


Registration is between 8.40 and 8.45 a.m. 

Any children arriving after 8.45 a.m. will be recorded as late. Thank you for your support in ensuring children arrive on time. 


On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday our school day ends at 3.30pm. 

On Friday our school day ends at 2pm to enable children to take part in enrichment activities outside of school. 


Our school week is 32 hours and 40 minutes long


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