Performance Data
At Offham we are very proud of how well our children perform in externally set examinations. Children in Primary Schools are tested and moderated against children Nationwide at several key times, these are;
- at the end of the Reception Year, when they are judged whether or not to have achieved a 'Good Level of Development'
- at the end of Year 1 when they take part in the Phonics Screening (for more information on Phonics please see our curriculum page for Literacy)
- at the end of Year 2 when they complete their Key Stage 1 SATs (Standard Assessment Tests) in Reading, Writing, Spelling, Punctuation,Grammar and Mathematics. These are now optional.
- at the end of Year 6 when they complete their Key Stage 2 SATs (Standard Assessment Tests) in Reading, Writing, Spelling, Punctuation,Grammar and Mathematics
At the beginning of Year 6 parents can opt whether or not they would like their children to take the Kent Test. This test assesses whether or not children are suitable for a secondary school place in a Grammar School. Each year above 50% of our cohort of 30 children gain a Grammar School place, but we are even more delighted that we always fully support all children to gain a place at a secondary school which will help them to continue to succeed and thrive in the future.
Please click below to access government information on our school.