Offham Primary School

Purple Class (Year 4)


Term 2, September  2024







Adventure Stories (3 weeks)

News Reports (2 weeks)



Young, Black and Gifted by Jamia Wilson

The Girl who Stole an Elephant by Nizrana Farook



Multiplication and Division 



States of Matter








Ma Famille (My Family)




Food and Nutrition



Online Safety






Christianity - The Nativity


Cycle Safety

Healthy Living


 Exploring Feelings when you Play


PE Kits

For this term, we will need PE kits worn to school on Wednesdays and Thursdays for our PE lessons, which we will try to be outdoors for as much as possible, weather permitting. As a reminder, please make sure that PE kits are appropriate according to the school's PE uniform policy.



Homework will be sent home each Friday.

A list of spellings or 'sounds of the week' will be sent home to practice. In KS2 they will have a written test the following Friday. There will also be an optional spelling sheet for KS2.

We will also expect the children to log onto Numbots and/or TT Rockstars to complete some maths fluency practice.

Daily reading is also a very important part in your child’s learning journey. This can be reading their school reading book and/or enjoying a reading for pleasure book of their choice. 

This will be sent out on Class Dojo by your class teacher on Fridays.


Times tables

The end of year 4 national times table screener takes place in term six of this year (more information about this will be released) so please can children practise their times tables regularly at home and they should have their TTRS logins to support the practice they are doing in school. Times tables are extremely important in their numeracy and are linked to lots of topics in the curriculum e.g. division, fractions, multiplication. It is vital that children have a strong times tables knowledge in order to achieve success across all topics in maths, particularly as they move into upper key stage 2. 

Many thanks for your support,

Miss Brady, Mrs Brooker, Miss Knight, Miss Wood and Mrs Charlton

Contact my teacher:

Miss Brady

KS2 Optional extra home - learning tasks

 1) Create your own flipbook of animation, using stills to show how still images can be used to show moving animation. Alternatively, use 2Animate software on purplemash to create your idea! 


2) Draw a detailed Anglo-Saxon village and label important features such as the hall, homes, and farmland. Write a short paragraph explaining how the Anglo-Saxons lived and what their daily routines involved.


3) Imagine you have £50 to spend at an Anglo-Saxon market. Create a list of items you'd buy (invent items like tools, clothing, or food). Calculate how much you'd spend and how much you'd have left over.


4) Draw a comic strip showing a character going on an adventure through different habitats (forest, ocean, desert) and meeting various animals or plants. Use the drawings to tell the story visually.


5) Using a shoebox or small container, create a mini-model of a habitat (e.g., woodland, desert, or pond). Use drawings, cut-outs, or small objects to represent plants and animals that live there.


6) Pick an animal from a specific habitat (e.g., fox from a forest, fish from a pond). Research and create a fact file on that animal, including where it lives, what it eats, and how it adapts to its habitat.


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