Offham Primary School

Rainbows (EYFS)

Our Class teacher is Mrs Westell and our Teaching Assistant in Mrs Morse-Wolfe. 

 Term 6

Physical Education

Our unit for PE is Athletics this term and we will be exploring different ways to travel.  We will also be learning how to jump in different ways and to land safely.  The children will be given the opportunity to jump to different heights over obstacles. We will also be encouraging them to develop their gross motor skills to use different throwing actions to throw as far as they can. They will also be competing in Sports Day this term.

Communication and Language

Our CUSP curriculum and core texts will give us the opportunity to develop our deeper understanding and to participate in discussions and chats about what we are learning. The focus on Tier 2 vocabulary each day will develop our children’s vocabulary and reasoning but also their cultural capital.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

In PSED this term we will be looking at ways to develop our children’s ability to manage their worries. There will be a continued focus on the Zones of Regulation and what they can do to manage their impulses and the methods we can use to support our wellbeing.


In Literacy, we will explore CUSP texts that focus on community, concepts around day and night, online safety, diversity,  ways to tackle our fears and positional language. Each week delving into a book, where we use, tier 2 vocabulary to develop our children’s knowledge and understanding. We will continue developing our children’s phonics and reading skills through the ELS scheme. We will introduce them to Phase 5 sounds. Such as –ay, -ou,-ie,-ea, -le, -oy, -ir, -ue, -aw, -wh, -ph, -ew, -oe, -au, -ey, -a-e,e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e and (s) pronounced as c.


In Maths, our focus will be on numbers and patterns. We will explore how numbers create patterns, identify similarities and differences in number patterns, and analyse quantities and amounts to deepen our mathematical understanding. We will be reviewing all the concepts we have learned and focusing on building numbers to ten and beyond, subitising and knowing the bonds of 5 by heart.

Understanding the World

Our overarching topic for the term is "Where am I?” We will use this topic to develop our children’s understanding across all seven learning areas. In Understanding of the World, we will investigate shadows and their relation to light, understand the phenomena of day and night, and explore our local community to understand our place within it.

Expressive Arts and Design

In Expressive Arts and Design, we will be developing our mark-making skills and using our bodies to make sounds. This term in Music, we will be honing our performance skills with a focus on Big Bear Funk, exploring rhythm, groove, and ensemble playing. We will develop our performance skills at our Special Assembly.



Our PE lesson will be on Monday, please ensure that your child comes into school wearing the appropriate Offham PE kit on this day with earrings removed before coming to school. 

 Our Forest School sessions will be held on a Wednesday afternoon, the children will need to come to school in forest school clothing in preparation for this. Please could you ensure that you send the children in with their waterproof clothing (and thermals when it is cold) for our forest school sessions? We will be encouraging them to enjoy the opportunity to enjoy free and some structured play in the forest. They will inevitably get muddy but this is all part of the enjoyment of being outdoors. We will keep their wellies at school.


On Mondays, we will visit the Library. Please do send in your child's old book to be changed then.

Reading books

Your child will bring home reading books linked directly to their phonics knowledge.

Early books allow children to learn how stories are structured including: how to turn pages and the order and direction in which they read without the pressure of too many words. Children will enjoy talking about what they can see and making links to some of their own experiences.

 Activities and ideas when you are reading with your child:

  • Allow your child to organise and hold the book themselves.
  • Allow them to turn the pages.
  • Respond to your child’s ideas by repeating their ideas back and introducing new words to increase their vocabulary.
  • Look at the front cover and discuss the title with your child.
  • Talk about any similar experience your child has had that might relate to their book/story.
  • Encourage your child to add in suitable sounds and actions whilst telling the story.
  • Ask your child to point to things that can be seen on the page e.g. The orange cat.

Rainbow Class Pupil Offer 

Pupil Offer Rainbows (EYFS)

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