Offham Primary School

Red Class (Year 2)


Term 6

 How can we be in the last term of the year. We have just over 7 weeks to squeeze in more learning, revisiting prior learning and of course lots of fun!

 In maths this term we are introducing statistics, looking at how to create and interpret tally charts and pictograms. We will even try creating pictograms with each picture representing 2, 5 or 10. We will then move onto position and direction. The children will be describing an objects position, how it has turned and moved. We will then look at creating patterns using 2D and 3D shapes. Towards the end of the term the children will consolidate the years learning by doing some more problem solving.

 In English, we are writing a recount on a personal experience. The children will focus on writing in the past tense and in first person. We will then plan and write a recount on our extended Forest School session. Later in the term we will be performing and writing our own acrostic poems. The children will also explore and write character descriptions beginning to include similes, adverbs and explore editing our work more.

 In Spelling we are continuing to introduce new spelling patterns and contractions. In reading lessons, we have started Fantastic Mr Fox. The children are really excited to get their teeth into a longer chapter book written by one of our favourite authors. We will practice retrieving information, sequencing events and inferring meaning from what is written.

 In Science we are recapping our learning about plants and animals (including humans). We will explore whether seeds need water or any other liquids to grow. The children will then explain what they know about the features of a living thing as well as reminding ourselves of how loving things change over time (growing and metamorphosis).

In Geography, we are looking at maps and fieldwork. The children will explore the differences between a map and aerial view. They will discuss which shows more detail and when they might be used. We will remind ourselves of the human and physical features in different locations and remind ourselves that some natural things (such as hedge lines) look physical but are human. We will look at the kay on a map and have a go at creating our own maps.

 In RE we are continuing to focus on Judaism and what the best way a Jewish person can show commitment to God is. We will discuss different ages that things happen in Judaism and how this can link to the different things we are allowed to do as we grow up – such as make their own breakfast, own a pet, get married etc. We will then remind ourselves of all the different ways Jewish people show commitment to God and discuss which we think is most important and why.

 We are starting of our DT unit with a trip to Offham park to make observations on the structure or park equipment and why they are fit for purpose. We will move this learning on to plan, create and evaluate a new piece of play equipment that we would like to add to Offham park. The children will enjoy creating these using a variety of junk modelling, construction toys and joining techniques.

 In music the learning ‘the friendship song’ - this will include learning the song and how we keep a good rhythm as well as the instrumental on the glockenspiels.  The children will attempt to compose their own part of the song using given notes and discuss what makes music good to listen to. We will also explore how music and singing can make us feel.

 In PE we are continuing with our tennis lessons with our specialist teacher Abi on a Monday morning where the children will be developing their hand eye co-ordination. We are also doing an Athletics unit developing the children’s running techniques both on the flat and over small hurdles. This will allow us lots of time to practice for sports day later in the term.


PE days are Monday and Tuesday.

Forest school is on a Thursday in weeks 1, 3, 5 and 7



Reading continues to be a fundamental part of your child's learning in Year 2 and we recommend that you listen to your child read at home at least 3 times a week. Your child will be sent home with a reading book from school, please annotate your child's reading record with their reading progress. Books will be changed on a Tuesday and Thursday if it is indicated in their reading record that they have read the book to an adult -if there is no comment in the yellow reading record we will not change the book.

 We promote reading as much as we can in Year 2 and will be awarding a house point as a reward for the children every time they read their books to and adult, as a result please make sure you write in the yellow reading records when the children have read. We are collecting the children's reading books every day to keep a log of those children reading at home and will give out house points when we see the children have been reading their books. 

 Along with giving the children a reading book that matches their reading ability (as assessed in class) the children will also bring home a ‘reading for pleasure’ book. Red Class will visit the library on a Wednesday to select/change their own choice of book. Remember that even when your child can read it is still important that adults read to them to ensure that they continue to develop a love for books and can be exposed to new vocabulary.  



 Homework will be sent home each Friday and it is to be handed back in on Wednesday.  

A worksheet focusing on either Maths or English each week will be given out each week. Alongside reading books and spellings to practice from the weeks' learning.

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