Offham Primary School

Sports Premium Funding

Sport Premium is a government funded payment aimed at improving and increasing the provision of PE in schools across the country. Offham Primary School will receive £17,000 per annum, plus £10 per child between Year 1 and 6.

We believe physical activity is a hugely important part of the curriculum and we pride ourselves on offering children many opportunities to get involved in sport, learn in an active way and increase their understanding of health and fitness. This funding has enabled us to employ the services of outside agencies and specialist coaches to come into the school and provide an enriched physical curriculum. In addition, we have used funding to improve the resources available to all pupils to enable them to be physically active during break times and lunchtimes.


Our physical provision at Offham includes:

Development of  Staff:

Developing assessment of P.E, meaning childrens’ achievement is accurately assessed and monitored and therefore allowing pupils to reach their full potential. Observing specialist P.E teachers and attending external training to improve confidence and knowledge of the delivery of P.E lessons. Developing their knowledge and confidence through each teacher working with PASS Ltd for 2 terms across the year to enhance the delivery of P.E. This improves the teaching of skills in P.E to provide high standard teaching and inspirational lessons.

Outdoor learning CPD for staff.

Curriculum Development

Reviewing and updating the PE scheme of work to ensure progression across the school and meeting the needs of all children.

Leadership. The training of Year 6 pupils and lunchtime supervisors to be sports leaders, running lunchtime activities for the whole school.

Introducing a sports council to set up and develop responsibility and leadership skills; running events held at Offham school and the organisation of the sports games day.


Our extra-curricular programme has been expanded to include after-school clubs, run by ZR Sports, in a variety of sporting activities. These are offered to all year groups of the school, and a ‘Toddler Group’ to strengthen links with wider community.

Offham Primary school attend a variety of sporting events throughout the year (see event list) offering children opportunities to compete across a breadth of sports and locations.


Purchasing new playground equipment and floodlight to ensure children will have access to physical activity all year round.

Introducing ‘Just Dance’, ‘Daily Mile’ and ‘Pass 360’ to all classes, in order to keep children physically and mentally and engaged during lessons. Purchasing equipment such as firelighters, kettles and child-friendly saws to increase variety in outdoor learning across a range of subjects. Working with ‘Sports for Schools’ to introduce children to Olympic athletes and raise money for new equipment.

Participating in ‘Healthy Lifestyles Week’ to increase pupils’ enthusiasm for, and awareness of, health and fitness.

For more information and a detailed breakdown of our sports premium funding, see our Evidencing the Impact of the Primary P.E. and Sport Premium documents by clicking on the links above.

This includes the following:

  • Impact on pupils
  • Actions to achieve target
  • Funding
  • Evidence and impact
  • Suggested next steps and sustainability

 These documents also includes a statement relating to swimming proficiency at Offham.

Sports Premium Impact 22-23

Sports Premium Action Plan and Impact 23 - 24 

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